Powering the future

preserve perishable food & Get connected to our solar grid

Solar energy solutions for all

We make solar powered cold rooms and provide them to farmers and food vendors at pay per use basis. Excess solar energy is supplied to communities around through a third-party distributor

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About Us

SOLAFAM-UGANDA is a cold chain social enterprise that makes solar mini grids and solar powered cold rooms that are provided to farmers and food vendors on a pay per use payment basis. Agricultural workforce in Uganda is 70% women and SOLAFAM-UGANDA started in 2021 to help these female farmers and food vendors solve the problem of perishable food wastage using environmentally friendly solar energy since Solar energy is an abundant resource in Sub-Saharan Africa because receive sunshine all year round and also give them access to clean energy from our solar mini grids.

Cold transportation

We help our farmers transport their perishables in our cold trucks

Our Services


We construct solar mini-grids that provide solar energy to communities

Cold storage

We help farmers and food vendors preserve their perishable foods until sale.

Hybrid cold rooms

We distribute our excess cold rooms energy to communities around.


Reduce food wastage by 70% in sub-Sahara Africa by 2033
Our Mission is to end the pre-historical open food storage method.

Why Choose Us

Zero hunger

We help preserve foods that would have gone to waste

Improve Incomes

We help our clients avoid losses resulting from food wastage.

Save environment

Rotting foods emit methane therefore reducing food wastage reduces methane emissions.

Clean Energy For All

Solar mini-grids and supply excess power from cold rooms to communities around


Eng. Nabahiirwa Moreen


Holds a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering & 7 years experience

Ainomugisha Shifra


Holds a Masters of science in Renewable Energy & 5 years experience

Mr. Nasiimwa Rogers


8 years experience in solar sales and distribution

Get clean energy & Food Wastage solutions

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